This wetland is one of the best places in the Algarve to see a good variety of birds but is still threatened as it has no legal protection status. There are still developments projects (i.e. hotels) planned around this lagoon.
Some works have recently been made in the lagoon to improve the habitat for the birds and they seem to work. We do most of the observation from a single point but it is possible to walk a bit along the lagoon on a boardwalk to have a different view and see more birds. It is a good place to see Flamingos and they even attempted to breed there a few years ago (2 nests found) and Glossy Ibis are becoming more regular. Many ducks can be seen in winter: Mallards, Pochards, Gadwalls, Teal and Shovelers and quite a few waders are usually present. Kentish Plovers, Black-winged Stilts, Avocets and Collared Pratincoles breed in this place. Purple Swamphen is common in this place and in spring the reedbeds host Purple Heron and Little Bittern. Audouins Gull and Caspian Tern are also regular at this place. It is rare to go to Lagoa dos Salgados without seeing a Marsh Harrier flying over the lagoon and flushing all the birds, generally allowing us to see species hidden in the vegetation.
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